April Hulbert

April Hulbert
Hi! My name is April Hulbert I’m the good-looking half of UFIT Australia and the proud owner of UFIT cycle!
UFIT cycle was created by me in the cycle studio at UFIT Australia, our group training facility on the Sunshine Coast.
Ryan and I along with our rat pack of five – live a healthy and active life matched with some pretty awesome adventures!
I have been a group fitness instructor for many years, 10+ in fact. I started teaching group fitness when my kids were little. A creative and fun outlet that enabled me to keep fit and earn an income.
Ryan and I were both trainers at a corporate gym and took the plunge to open our own group
training facility in the heart of Caloundra. We set out to offer quality personal training with loads of variety to the masses.
Indoor cycle was such an important class for us to offer at UFIT Australia, it was the perfect addition for so many. It’s low impact but can be used as high intensity or recovery and rehabilitation, depending on your classes needs.
For many years I taught a pre-choreographed cycle format. It took the guesswork out of teaching. It has its benefits, good and bad. For me, I felt limited. I would hear a song on the radio and would think “I could make this a great cycle track”, or “I would love to use this in my class as a warmup”.
However, there were no options for me when teaching this structured format. When I started teaching freestyle tracks, I felt freedom! I have always loved music and I have always loved indoor cycle and creating my own session plans made me feel alive!
Remember, variety to fitness is the key to long term success.
Enjoy the ride!